from the picture archive: paris street lights
Here are a couple of photos I just stumbled across from a trip back in 2006 - I loved this set of street lights, and the sun was just breaking through the clouds, which made for a brilliant backdrop. It was taken in Place Vendome, not too far north of the Louvre.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
bbq design
I couldn't help but take some shots of these two different times I have bbq'd in the past few weeks... the asparagus is a beautiful design. Thanks God!
In case you are curios - one set of shots is Pork Chops, and the other is Lamb Chops. I like lamb chops.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
{look} project
I had the privilege this year again of designing the look (for lack of a better turn) for the PDYM Student Leadership Conference. The theme this year is LOOK so we created an overarching {look} brand and then seven feature images for each general session that has a LOOK theme to it... as the sessions roll out over the week I will post the feature image for each.
What we did with each feature image is print up a postcard for each, enough for all the students attending.. then at the end of the session they have a chance to respond to the message by writing a postcard to themselves. As they leave the session we have a mailbox they can put them in and over the coming months we will mail the postcards as a reminder of the lessons they learned and a reminder of their conference experience!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
where am i at 8am on Friday, July 11th
To those familiar with the world of Mac you think that I would be at an Apple store in a lovely line waiting to pick up my new iPhone 3G.
Well, the truth is at 7:15am I drove down to the local AT&T store thinking maybe there were a few Apple geeks in line, surely all the hardcore ones lined up for the first iPhone and wouldn't be so excited about this new release.
Apparently I was wrong.
There was a line of nearly 100 people at the tiny At&T store on El Toro Rd... not lined up at a sexy Apple store, but in sleeping bags outside the form of the Petco which is where the line snakes around to as it builds.
Needless to say I am at Corner Bakery, about 500 yards away, enjoying free wireless, a couch, a coffee and a cinnamon roll.
The truth is I love convenience more than a new gadget. I don't know if this is a good character trait or not, only time will tell.
I figure, hey I've waited this long, I can wait another day or two. I'll keep you posted. Back to my cinnamon roll before it gets cold.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
a free book: The Alchemist
Just discovered this morning that on iTunes they are giving away the AudioBook "The Alchemist" as a Free Download.
I love this book, it's simplicity and storyline based on "where your heart is your treasure is also".
Go to iTunes, download the AudioBook and enjoy a great story.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
feature project: Bella's Recycling Wall
This was a fun design.. highlighting my daughter's desire to recycle and tell a story about it... piece of cake!
We did a custom shoot with a whole bunch of bottles she had collected and the rest is design history.
Bella loves to go to the Refinery and see her wall nowadays... let me know and she can organize a personal tour for you!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti