only 8 hours to go!
Yes, only 8hrs until we all get to witness a new season of LOST!
I haven't been this excited about a Television Series starting up a season since the last season of Beverly Hills 90210!
Yes, only 8hrs until we all get to witness a new season of LOST!
I haven't been this excited about a Television Series starting up a season since the last season of Beverly Hills 90210!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
If you answered "yes" to both those questions then I highly recommend you attending a workshop led by Jana Sarti titled "Behind the Scenes— Must-Have Administrative Skills"
It works... check me out, I am organized!
Here is the longer synopsis:
As youth leaders you are responsible for not only running an effective ministry, but running an efficient ministry. If you are a youth worker who loves the people more than the details - this workshop might be helpful to you. We will talk about a variety of things from time management to ministry management. You will walk a way with "Get it Done Plan" that fits your ministry needs based on your personality and skills.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
If you are looking for some inspiration on a brand/logo design - jump in the pond at It's a great place to look at other creative ideas, and you can maybe snap up an idea or two as you visit and digest other peoples ideas!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Below are some sneak-peak snapshots of the new Celebrate Recovery web-site I am developing... it'll be exciting to roll out this new site, hopefully some time in February, which will have a sweet new way to Find A Group (over 1300) in your area!
Stay tuned...
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
If you love discussing the finer (or not so finer) points of Helvetica, or are a fan of ITC Zapf International, then will be a site you will enjoy.
If you simply like fonts, please don't visit, this is a site for lovers.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Just finished up this mail-out piece for Storm Student Ministry. I just finished an Identity Package for them (blogged about it here) and it was fun to take the logo design to the next level and base a promotional piece around it. I have posted a snapshot of the brochure below for you to view.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Sometimes you need the iPod blasting with some new Jimmy Eat World to get inspired as you work on a project, and sometimes you need a quiet place, no music, and no computer to re-energize your creativity.
I found a new quiet spot last week - only 11 minutes from my office!
If you live around Mission Viejo and need to escape, I highly recommend the Silverado Cafe out in Silverado Canyon (take santiago Canyon Rd past Cook's Corner).
They are open for breakfast and lunch, it's super cheap, really friend;y, and mostly quiet. I loved it! Best of all, I was re-energized after my breakfast there, ready for a day of "being creative".
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
I have been working on some concepts for a new logo for a client. WIRED is the name of the ministry, just thought I would share these digi-sketches...
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
I've been working for a few years now with AllSTARS Children's Ministry and last week thought it would be good to review the work I have been doing for their teaching series... so I put together a little visual timeline below and thought I would share it with the world!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Had a great opportunity this weekend to take a flight with one of my friends who is a pilot... we took off at Fullerton "airport", cruised over Santiago Canyon towards our house and Saddleback Church, then continued past the coast and over to Catalina Island, where there is the "airport in the sky", a tiny airport constructed at the top of a hill at 1600ft elevation.
It was a great experience, first thing in the morning, with great visibility and no wind or turbulence. We enjoyed some breakfast at the tranquil Catalina Airport Cafe before heading back towards the mainland over Long Beach Harbor, Knotts Berry Farm, then a smooth landing back at Fullerton.
It was also great to see the development of the Student Zone at Saddleback Church from above... the building looks huge!
I have a few pics below and a whole web page of pics here
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Just finished working on the logo and identity for Element Student Ministry - I featured some options for the logo in this earlier post
Here is a look at the business cards created for this project...
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Over the last couple of years I have twice had the opportunity to travel on mission to Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), to experience a different land, with different people, that seems to be frozen in time (that time being the 1960's).
You may not be too familiar with Myanmar - it sights, it's people, or it's oppressive military government - maybe you heard about the protests by the people there back in September this year and the government crackdowns and killing of innocent civilians, and even peaceful Buddhist monks. You can learn more about Myanmar here
I am working to raise awareness for Boxes for Burma, you can go to their mini-site to learn more.
The bottom line is that it is a great cause that needs help raising awareness.
This is where you come in! You can buy one of these shirts below and help the cause.
You can buy them "in-person" from me for $10 (just email me if you are a local (around Mission Viejo)
If you need one shipped out to you the total cost is $20, you can just email me and we will figure out size, shipping address, payment etc...
Looks good, and for a great cause!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti