the ultimate background
The recipe for the Ultimate Background:
-1 Teaspoon of Nature Shot (preferably lake & mountain)
-1oz of Bible Verse (KJV)
Who would of thought I could cook up this recipe without even using Photoshop?!
Acknowledgements: June Lake, CA and my trusty King James Travel Bible.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Trailer Park Designs
I took these couple of photos while staying at a friend's trailer park by the beach last week with my family... you never know, some of these pics might be converted to designs and be visiting a multimedia presentation near you!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Mediashout EXPRESS
I just read yesterday that MediaShout launched a "diet" version of the MediaShout worship presentation software called Mediashout EXPRESS
From a quick glance, it looks like it will be a good fit for a lot of churches who want a step up from PowerPoint, but don't want to have to upgrade their computer in order to be able to run the full version of MediaShout. All of Sarti Design's video and still products will work great on the EXPRESS train.
If you have purchased this product, or are plan on purchasing it, let me know how it performs for you, I'd love to know.
Click here for more info about this product.
Click here for comparison between MediaShout V3 and EXPRESS
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Summer Spectacular 2007
A few weeks ago, Saddleback Church put on their annual VBS for children (Summer Spectacular) which plays host to over 3000 kids and nearly 1000 volunteers.
This year Sarti Design worked alongside the Children's Ministry team in visually bringing the event to life, working on a number of different design projects within the whole scope of the overall event.
This years' theme was "Transformed", and Sarti Design brought to life five different cartoon characters that were central to the theme, and were actually recreated to be real-life characters during on-stage performances! We also created promotional items such as registration brochures, posters, backpacks, and shirts for all participants, volunteers, and staff, as well as working theme all the way through to elements of the overall stage design.
It was a real highlight to pop down to the church (only a mile from our house) during the week to see it all come to life on stage, and experience all the kids participating and having a super-fun time. Only three more years (minimum age 5yrs) until my daughter Bella can be a part of Summer Spectacular!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
featured website: graphics4worship
Graphics4Worship is a new company that has just opened it's "online doors" at www.graphics4worship.com
They are an online resource shop for multimedia content specifically designed to help people with visual communication in their ministry.
I encourage you to check them out... Let me know how your shopping experience with them goes!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
featured project: new cov' worship folders
The Objective: Design a full-page worship folder (bulletin) template for New Cov' HSM in Fresno, CA.
Kurt at New Cov' wanted a design that would fit with the coffee-shop atmosphere of the room which they use during their services. Annie Smith worked on this piece that allowed plenty of template space for New Cov' to use, while creating a design flow that was bright and relevant. Below are some examples of the worship folder template.
If your ministry is interested in having Sarti Design create custom design bulletin templates, please contact us!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
What Sarti Design is all about...
As I was writing some new copy for our new site I had to stop and think "how do I describe what Sarti Design is "about?""
So, I came up with what some would call "creedos" to how we go about our work here. I think I learned something through this!
Here goes...
-We understand, and cater to smaller budgets that churches and ministries have.
-We understand that while attracting people to your ministry is important, impacting their lives is more important.
-We aim to provide relevance and purpose to every graphic piece we create.
-We won’t just throw a cross on a design and call it “a Christian design.”
-If you like to work closely with us and like to get really involved in the design process, we’ll follow your lead.
-If you give us the freedom to create, we’ll run with it.
-If you ask us, we’ll give you our honest opinion.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
I paid for this?!
Yesterday I was rummaging through a stock photography site that I have a paid subscription to, looking for some images of "people" for a client. This is when I stumbled upon this gem of an image below...
Seriously, this was offered as quality stock photography?! I don't know any client inside or outside of the church that would want to use this image in some form or another, unless it was to related to a time-machine and the year 1984!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
It's live! www.sartidesign.com
I am proud to announce that our new site is no officially up and running on the World Wide Web!
Check it out at www.sartidesign.com
Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
photos from the field
The picture above is from a church in my hometown of Perth, Australia!
I have been helping my friend Anthony Palmieri create an identity and some supporting graphics for an alternative church venue inside the foyer of a basketball stadium.
We created the banners to not only communicate the values of The Foyer, but also set apart the venue feel from it's everyday use as the entrance to a recreation center.
Thanks Anthony for sending this picture through to us!
If Sarti Design has created something for you (the reader) and you would like it featured on the blog, simply take a picture of it and email it over to leigh@sartidesign.com
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
current project: pdym student leadership conference 2008
Still fresh from this years' PDYM Student Leadership Conference, Sarti Design has been working on a new branding for the 2008 conference.
The team who run the conference were looking for some fresh new colors, with a student-friendly vibe for this piece.
For now we have created the main logo, and in the coming months we will begin to design different pieces for event promotion and eventually work around to conference signage, notebook design, t-shirt designs and stage design.
Click Here for more info on this conference!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
a new sarti design site
I've been working hard trying to finish up all pages on a new SartiDesign.com site that will launch hopefully in the next week... there will be a brand new portfolio layout, as well as a new look and feel to the site. I'll be letting you know on the blog when it is all ive and ready to roll!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
featured site: worshiphousemedia
If you haven't heard about WorshipHouseMedia.com I want to be the first to recommend this site to you!
The people at WHM are all about having resources for the creative and visual church available, and laid out for you so that you don't have to spend hours searching for the right video. Plus, cheezy stuff just doesn't cut it at WHM!
Sarti Design has a large number of Background Images that you can download a la carte from WorshipHouseMedia, so if you are looking for that "one image" or "one video", I encourage you to check them out...
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
featured project: love wins
The Objective: Design a concept for the teaching series theme "Love Wins" for Bethany Church in Fresno, CA.
The team at Bethany Church were looking to steer clear of the traditional "love-heart" imagery and needed a fresh design that would be applied to banners, covers, multimedia and other elements. Annie Smith worked on this original piece that incorporated hand sketched love poems.
Below are some examples of the different collateral created for this teaching series.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti