feature project: BURP
Something out of the ordinary I designed was this brochure for Baby U R Precious (BURP)
For this project I had to create a print piece based on the clients' already established website and logo, then educate the reader about the services and products that BURP has to offer.
I actually got to touch and feel the product and it feels really really good (my kids are also featured in the brochure in bath robes!)... a highly recommended product as a gift for any Mom's of young kids out there!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
flying to Mojave
I had a great chance to fly out to Mojave this weekend. The flight path took us from Orange County, right over downtown LA, then out into the desert area. After flying into Lancaster Airport for some breakfast, we took off again and headed towards Mojave Airport, which is a plane "graveyard" for unused or retired commercial planes. It was fun to see it from above, but I wished we were able to go for a wander around the area on foot. It was a very cool place though, and in the middle of nowhere. It was a great day for flying and while flying over Palmdale you could see all the way out to Catalina Island... I took some pics below...
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
feature project: god rules
This project was for a children's ministry curriculum series where they walked through the 10 commandments. The client was looking at teaching through a "kids point of view", so I was able to take my own shots of the student they used for the video teaching and then work my own photography into the design. While I liked the picture of the student from their point of view, I was really impressed with how well the rug turned out on the floor as part of the shoot!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
logo from long ago
I was looking through some church websites yesterday and stumbled across AsburyChurch.org
I had remembered creating a logo for this church nearly four years ago and it was great to see that they are still using it!
The icon in the logo still works for me, and doesn't feel dated at all, which can be easy to do if you're not careful!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
featured project: MP3's at LOTE
I worked up this promotional piece for livingontheedge.org to be distributed both by email and as a feature on their homepage.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
yes, i know christmas is over
I took down the Christmas lights, and the Christmas tree is on the side of the road, waiting to be picked up with the garbage tomorrow... I even bought discount Christmas paraphernalia at Home Depot. So, I figure it's time to highlight a couple of Christmasey (sp?) designs.
This first design was for a Children's themed Christmas series. I actually ripped all the paper myself and shot the background before applying the text and trimmings. The white space had to be right to allow the theme to breathe through the design, and a real "blocky" font had to be used so that the title didn't get lost in the background.
This second design was for an adult audience, focusing on the Gifts of Christmas. USing the B&W picture method with the red present box was a simple and classy way to help communicate the theme, without getting caught up with too many other design elements.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
sarti design blog - back strong in 2009
My solid blog promise to you is that the blog will be back in 2009... check this space in nearly January for some Featured Projects I have been working on in Nov/Dec, as well as some hits from the past!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Leigh Sarti
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
Exterior Interior Design
but it sure looks like it. I'll post another pic after it's finished.
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti
featured project: kids small groups
I just finished up this project last month and wanted to share a few different facets of the overall design, starting today with the curriculum notebook covers. There are eight books in total with the age o the user ranging from Pre-K to 6th Grade. The style was broken up into two sections with a younger design feel and older design feel. The younger covers were a more illustrative concept based around "local adventure" and were all created in Illustrator. The older covers were more image-driven and based around "global adventure". More to come from the KSG design project!
author thereof:
Leigh Sarti